Sunday 3 July 2016

WWE rushed the triple shield threat?

Post WWE announced the Triple Threat Main Event for Battleground featuring Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins colliding for the WWE Title folks are wondering whether they rushed a match that most people had dreamed for the Wrestle Mania main event.

This will be their first match since the shield broke up two years ago. Dean vs. Seth, Roman vs. Seth, Roman and Dean against Seth and someone, and even Roman vs. Dean have been seen, but all three go at it has not been seen.

Fantastic job by WWE to give the viewers some bait to snack on till the main course is served and then come back with another different snack and have folks wait for the spread again!

Seth would complain if he lost, and Roman would certainly be asking for his rematch if he had failed to defend the belt. Even if Dean remains Mr. Money in the Bank, there’s no way we’d be doing this match at Battleground. Summerslam…maybe…but Battleground?

What do you guys think? Was the Triple Threat for Battleground rushed? Should it have been saved for WrestleMania?

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