Thursday 22 September 2016

Paige and Eva Marie WWE Suspensions end. Monday Night Raw is the soonest we could see Paige back

Both Eva Marie and Paige can now return to the ring as their respective 30-day suspensions for violating WWE’s talent wellness policy has ended. Paige could return as soon as this Monday on Raw. However  As of Friday Paige is not medically cleared to wrestle. she effectively quit WWE and retained legal representation to get out of her contract. She was all but gone from the company and plans were in place to announce her release. Cooler heads prevailed and she’ll be back in the ring once she’s healthy.

Monday is the soonest we could see Paige back on television, as her 30-day suspension will be completed. But don’t expect to see her in the ring on RAW unless she gets cleared by show time.

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